(Not so) Wordless Wednesday – 8/29/12

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My daughter spent the day with my parents yesterday, and came home with some of the chocolate chip cookie they made. Apparently, she’s a (chocolate) chip off the ol’ block!

Happy Wednesday, y’all!

Keep on saving!  :o)

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Keep on saving!  :o)

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Nighttime Diaper Leaks for Baby Boys – One Mother’s Solution

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nighttime diaper leaks - m'boy

My happy li’l redhead —
now DRY in the morning! :o)

My happy li’l redhead —
now DRY in the morning!  :o)

Mothers of baby boys everywhere instantly know what this post is about: our little boys have a knack for filling up their diaper at night, well above capacity!

I’ve heard many mothers discuss their solutions to this nighttime diaper leaks dilemma:

  • move up a size at night, just strap it on tight
  • try a different brand
  • put in a maxipad (yep, a maxi pad!)
  • change him at once during the night
  • special “night time” diapers
  • …..and so on…..

I tried several of those options for nighttime diaper leaks when my little boy started leaking through at night — him wetting through his jammies each night was just getting to be way too much!  Since I was more than well-stocked with diapers of various brands (y’all already know how I find cheap diapers!), I tried several brands, both in his current size and a size up.I even tried the maxi pad, which actually resulted in even wetter jammies in the morning!

But that lead me to believe that there had to be an insert of some sort I could put in his diaper to help absorb all that extra liquid.  I headed over to Babies R Us, and did a little on-site research.  I immediately saw two options: a pack of about 30 liners that looked akin to maxi pads for about $4, or a pack of 105 gDiapers gCloth liners for about $8.  Being frugal me, I went with the one with the best unit price: the gDiapers liners.

nighttime diaper leaks
These liners are designed to be used with cloth diapers, as an easy, biodegrabdable and flushable way to -um- get poo in to the potty, with less mess.  But these suckers also work well to soak up the excess liquids, too!  I fold them in half (teachers will understand when I say it’s a “hot dog” fold, not a “hamburger” fold), and place it in the front of his diaper.  (I’ve stuck with using a size up.)  Now, he still wakes up in the mornings with a bulging diaper, but it’s all contained!  And on the rare occassion when he wakes up with a -ahem!-  package for us, it’s even easier to dump the diaper!
You can find these liners at Babies R Us, or you can order them from Amazon, too.  For less than 3 bucks a month, I am keeping my sweet little guy dry at night, and we are all happy for it!  I hope this helps you shed some light on your nighttime diaper leaks, too!
Keep on saving!  :o)

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Wordless Wednesday: Can’t We Just Keep Them Little??

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This weekend as I watched my son start rocking back and forth, with his arms and legs pushed up in crawling stance, I can’t help but recall when I was about seven or eight. My mom would playfully push on the top of my head and remark, “stop growing up so fast!”

I now know what you mean, Mom. I know what you mean.

Keep on saving!  :o)

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Wordless Wednesday: Good Idea/Bad Idea

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(Remember that cartoon from the 90s, Animaniacs?)

And now it’s time for Good Idea/Bad Idea.

Good Idea: Wearing a hard hat

Bad idea: Wearing a hard hat on your bike. Ouch!

Keep on saving!  :o)


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Keep on saving!  :o)

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Sausage and Apples with Pineapple Teriyaki Rice

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We have had this pesky can of apple pie filling sitting on the shelf for months.  I don’t even know where it came from.  And Eva constantly asks if she can eat it.  Lunchtime rolled around and this simple recipe came to mind.  It is delicious and inexpensive, just how I like ’em! 🙂

Sausage and Apples with Pineapple Teriyaki Rice


For the rice

3 c. rice

4 1/2 c. water

1 1/2 c. pineapple juice

1/2 Tbsp minced garlic

1 Tbs Teriyaki sauce

For the sausage

1 lb smoked sausage, cut into 1/2″ slices (precooked, I used beef)

1 can apple pie filling

1 large onion, diced

1/2 c. pineapple juice

1 Tbs. Teriyaki sauce

salt and pepper to taste

1 Tbs canola oil



1.  Mix all rice ingredients in a large pot on high heat.  When it starts to boil, cover loosely and turn down to low.  Leave it alone for around 15 minutes, then uncover and fluff with a fork.  Set aside.

Pineapple Teriyaki Rice

2.  Heat oil on med-high in a skillet.  Add in sausage and onions.  Cook until onions are slightly soft.

Sausage and onion

3.  Stir in remaining ingredients.  Cook until heated throughout.

Sausage, onion, and apple

4.  Serve over rice.

Pineapple Teriyaki Rice with Sausage, Onion, and Apples

Makes 6-8 large servings.

Keep on saving!  :o)

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Frugal Parenting: DIY Fathers Day Crafts

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For Father’s Day this year, I wanted to continue to impress upon my daughter the importance of ownership of the gifts she gives. Gifts, thank you notes, and various cards hold more meaning to the giver and receiver when made more personable, so I helped my daughter create some cards for her daddy, and both grandfathers this year.  Thus, a DIY Father’s Day craft seemed in order….

DIY Father's Day crafts
Lesson learned: Glue the construction paper to the cardstock FIRST,
to prevent the glue from interfering with the paint!

We sat down, working bit by bit over the span of a few days, creating these cards. I brushed washable paint over her hand to create the “flower”. (The paint acquired, by luck, at a garage sale — a pack of 10 small tubs for a quarter.) Then, while she colored on a few sheets of construction paper (to be used later), I asked her “why do you love daddy?”, recording her responses and offering prompts (basically rephrasing the question) to redirect her when needed.

She helped put down the glue for each step (reciting our glue motto of “just a dot, not a lot!”), then placed the strips with her responses on the paper. It was all glued down to card stock, to make it sturdier. The card stock also served as a quick and simple way for my infant son to put his own stamp on each card, too. 🙂

DIY Father's Day crafts - baby's stamp

We repeated this for a single-flowered card for each of her grandfathers.

DIY Father's Day crafts

The sheets she colored were used as wrapping paper for the two small gifts we got for her daddy. (Since he had actually requested something specific, we indulged him.)

Each card was greeted with great pride by its intended receiver– so much so, that first thing Monday morning the card for her Daddy was proudly displayed at his office. 🙂

Do you have any DIY Fathers Day crafts or gift ideas to share? Please leave a comment here or contact me. I’d love to hear all about it!

Keep on saving!  :o)

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Frugal Parenting: Fun with Paint, Water, and Recyclables

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I hoard containers. There — I put it out there. I save various, sturdy containers, with the idea that I could re-use it ….for something. This came in handy the other day with my 3-year-old daughter.

I’m always looking for ways to keep my children entertained, as well as offer them chances to explore and learn.  If I can additionally do so in a “green” manner, even better.

For this occasion, I put red food coloring in an old throat spray bottle, blue in an old dish soap bottle, grabbed some old foam letters (but sponges would work just as well) and put a little paint in old flushable wipes containers, gathered up a few unused medicine droppers, opened some paper bags at the seems, and threw in a few paint brushes, and  empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls.

In our driveway, we “painted” a large hopscotch-like path with various shapes using the dish soap bottle. Then we experimented with painting with rocks, sticks, and our fingers. When asked which she liked best,she responded “the rock — because it’s MAGIC!”

She and I had a blast, and all for pennies. More importantly, these activities encouraged her imagination, worked on dexterity (pushing the spray button, utilizing the various objects for painting, etc), and allowed for open-ended inquiry. Certainly this was a good example of “process over product”.

My next plan is to get some old, large containers to create makeshift water tubs, and let her play and explore. I already have a few containers in mind for this. When my son is a little older -perhaps later in the summer- he can join in the fun.

Do YOU have some great, cheap (and green) ways to entertain your kids? Please share, or contact me. 🙂

**Sidenote: I’ve learned that food coloring, while great for learning, does not easily come off hands — it requires a good dose of elbow grease.

Keep on saving!  :o)

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Wordless Wednesday: Sleepovers and Letting Go

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A few nights ago, my daughter had her first sleepover. Other than the two whirlwind nights I spend in the hospital when her brother was born, I’ve never been apart from her for the night. So, while it was difficult for me to let me to let her spend the night away from me, I knew she was in good hands. After all, she was at my parents house.  Literally down the street.  And I knew it was an experience she needed to have.  I needed to have it, too.

While I weep for the loss of each new stage in her life -yearning to hold on to even the smallest pieces of my “little” girl, I can’t help but feel excitement.  I have nothing but fond memories of spending the night at my grandparents houses, and I want nothing more than for her to build such memories with the people she loves as well.

Happy Wednesday, y’all!

Keep on saving!  :o)

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Wordless Wednesday 5-16-12

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Keep on saving!  :o)
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Keep on saving!  :o)

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Wordless Wednesday 5-9-12

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“Look, Mommy! A cloud deer!”

Happy Wednesday, y’all!

Keep on saving!  :o)

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Keep on saving!  :o)

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