Twice Baked Breakfast Potatoes

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We had family over last week for brunch and I put off planning food until literally an hour before everyone showed up.  I am either to one extreme or the other – planning meals a week in advance, or flying by the seat of my pants.  So I got online that morning and started searching for brunch recipes.  And what did I find?  Quiche.  And more Quiche.  Oh, and quiche.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE quiche, but just did not want to make it for brunch.  And also, I didn’t want to go to the store and buy the ingredients. 😉

So I went in the kitchen and did what I do, just started digging through the fridge and grabbing things.  I ended up with potatoes, cheese, 4 eggs, sausage links, and a slightly wrinkly pepper.

Twice baked breakfast potatoes

So what do you make when that’s what you’re working with?  

Twice baked breakfast potatoes, of course!  

These potatoes are pretty simple to make, and they are incredibly delicious.  Plus they seem like they would take a long time, but really they don’t.  (shhhh…..most of the time is just cooking them in the microwave)

Twice baked breakfast potatoes

Twice Baked Breakfast Potatoes

Ingredients:Twice baked breakfast potatoes

5 large potatoes, washed

4 eggs

1 cups cooked sausage (I chopped up links)

1/4 cup chopped bell peppers

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1/2 tsp onion powder

1 tsp parsley

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

1 cup shredded cheese

Twice baked breakfast potatoes


1. Poke holes in potatoes with a fork and cook all together in microwave for 20 minutes.

2. Preheat oven to 400.

3. Mix together eggs, sausage, peppers, and spices.

4. When potatoes are done cooking, cut in half and scoop out the middle.

5. Pour egg and sausage mix into potatoes and top with cheese.

6. Bake at 400 for 15 minutes or until egg is cooked all the way.

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Twice baked breakfast potatoes 

These are so easy to make, and everyone will love them, trust me!  the hardest part is scooping out the potatoes, and that’s not even difficult.  Just be sure you don’t burn yourself, they will be hot!  And save all the potato scoopings in a container, because you can make them into a small potato salad, add them in to soup, etc.



Twice baked breakfast potatoes

What’s your favorite family friendly brunch dish?  Share in the comments below!

Keep on saving!  :o)

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Easy Cajun Jambalaya Recipe

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Earlier this month, I received a free voucher for Johnsonville Premium Fully Cooked Dinner Sausages from BzzAgent, and I knew right away what flavor I wanted to try.  They have 5 different varieties, but I am an Andouille fanatic, so that’s what I headed straight for when we got to Kroger.

When I got home, I logged on to, one of my favorite sites for cooking inspiration.  Well, you know, besides Pinterest of course! 😉  I found an easy jambalaya recipe that I could start with, but of course I modified it along the way to suit my family’s tastes.

easy cajun jambalaya recipe

Easy Cajun Jambalaya


1 Tbs olive oil

1 lb Johnsonville Premium Andouille sausage, diced

Girls helping in the kitchen

They like to help in the kitchen, can you tell? 🙂

2 10 oz cans of chicken breast meat, drained

2 onions, diced

2 green bell peppers, diced

3 ribs of celery, diced

1/4 cup minced garlic

1 Tbs onion powder

1 Tbs Cajun seasoning

1/8 tsp cayenne pepper (more if you like it spicy!)

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper

4 cups of uncooked rice

12 cups of chicken broth (I used water and bouillon cubes)

6 bay leaves

1 1/2 Tbs Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp Texas Pete hot sauce

Easy cajun jambalaya recipe


1.  Heat oil in a stock pot over medium high heat.

2.  Saute sausage for five minutes until browned.

3.  Add in chicken, onion, bell pepper, celery, and garlic.

4.  Season with Cajun seasoning, cayenne, onion powder, salt and pepper.

5.  Mix well and cook until onions start to soften.

6.  Add in rice, chicken broth, and bay leaves.

7.  Bring to a boil, then simmer while covered for 20-25 minutes.

8.  Mix in Worcestershire and hot sauce.

9.  Remove bay leaves and serve.

Printer friendly version of this Easy Cajun Jambalaya recipe

easy cajun jambalaya recipe

This isn’t a traditional version, but it sure is tasty!  Have you tried to make jambalaya at home before?

I received a voucher for free product from Johnsonville and BzzAgent but this recipe and all opinions expressed are my own.


Keep on saving!  :o)

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Life with a Toddler {Wordless Wednesday}

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And this is precisely why we have to examine the contents within EVERY time we throw something away….

Life with a toddler
Ah, yes, life with a toddler certainly keeps you on your toes! Happy (wordless) Wednesday, y’all! 🙂

Keep on saving!  :o)

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Hair Donation – Letting It All Go!

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Locks of Love logo - hair donation

I recently hinted on Facebook that I participated in a Locks of Love haircut.  Hair donation is an easy way to give back big time.  Your hair can go to someone in much greater need, while also “lifting” you of the extra weight — figuratively and literally.

For the last two or three years, I’ve really slacked on getting my hair cut.  So I decided to just grow it out long enough to donate when I *do* get it cut.  I did so last year (on Super Bowl Sunday 2012), about six weeks after my son was born, so I had a rich, long head of hair to donate.  This year -after growing it out for 14 months- it wasn’t as long (or lush), but it was a good 10 inches that I don’t miss, but will make a world of difference for someone else.

Hair donations typically benefit children with medical conditions resulting in hair loss.

There are other organizations that accept hair donations, including Pantene Beautiful Lengths and Wigs for Kids.

If you’re looking to donate and live in the Atlanta area, I suggest waiting for May 20, when there will be a hair donation event in Alpharetta.  You can learn more here.  Thanks, Alpharetta Macaroni Kid for letting me know about this one!

hair donation - Locks of Love

Keep on saving!  :o)

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Wordless Wednesday – When Little Boys Walk

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And just like that, my little baby boy is off and walking – still throwing his hands in the air whilst walking….


Keep on saving!  :o)

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Wordless Wednesday 4/3/13: Bad Toys!!

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Wordless Wednesday 4-3-13

Happy Wordless Wednesday, y’all!

I hope your children’s toys are better behaved than mine! 😉  In the meantime, have your children’s toys been naughty lately, too?  All I know is the “boy baby” -as Carol calls him- was hitting, so got an immediate time out.

Keep on saving!  :o)

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Laundry, Sick Kids, Bed Sheets, and Toddling Tots

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It’s been a rough week in our frugal household.  Most notably, my daughter -who turned 4 last Friday- came down with a nasty tummy bug, and has been OUT all week.  She started feeling off on Sunday, but woke up Monday morning feeling well enough to go to school and ballet, but didn’t touch her lunch.  She came home, took off her ballet clothes and put on her jammies and plopped herself down for a three hour nap.  (An unnatural act for a child who’d not taken a nap for over two weeks prior to this!)  Even after she woke up, she was rather puny and lacked an appetite for the remainder of the day….

Tuesday, same thing: she woke up feeling fine, went to her 4-year check-up and got her shots.  By the time we came home, she was starting to feel a little off, wouldn’t eat, and took a two hour nap.  That evening I knew we were dealing with a stomach virus.  And I’ll just leave it at that.

She stayed home, sleeping it off most of the day on Wednesday.  (Skipping her Easter party at school, for which I was supposed to be a “party mom”…)  But she continued to get worse, so on Thursday, we went back to the doctor.  That visit was the pits: she was so weak, she couldn’t open her eyes.  She was like a limp noodle, as the pediatrician tried to check her out.  After the lab techs had to draw blood to check her blood (a sight or sound I never wish to hear, pitiful pleas of “I don’t want a shot.  I don’t want a shot.”), the conclusion was low blood sugar and dehydration.  No surprise to me, since she was unable to keep anything down (including water) for over 24 hours.

She was given some Zofran, followed by water and then Gatorade to sip on, and we were eventually discharged.  (Did I mention my 15 month old son was in his stroller throughout this ordeal?  Bless his sweet, patient heart.)

All the while, I’ve been doing loads and loads and loads of laundry, in addition to my regular laundry schedule.  So, even though I only use a little bit of detergent, I swear I saw a significant dip in my supply in just a week!

In the meantime, I came to the conclusion that ONE spare bed sheet simply won’t cut it.  So, thankfully, Anna’s Linens is having a sale through this weekend: 25% off a single item, with the promo code spring25. I will certainly be stocking up, especially since I have two full-size beds (one for each kid) — one extra sheet just won’t cut it on those occasions when tummy bugs invade our house in full force!

Anna's Linens - bed sheets and more

All in all, it’s been a draining week. But, I believe my daughter is on her way to recovery — but it’s going to be a slow process. We’ll be taking it easy this weekend, encouraging as many sips on her “special juice” as possible, allowing indulgences in whatever crackers or (reasonable) treats she wishes. After all, when you’re already a skinny mini, losing two pounds in two days is just …sad…

On a positive note, however, I am pleased to watch my son toddle around, making his way to being a full-time walker this week. I forgot just how damn cute it is at this stage. He walks with his arms up, over his head, as if cheering himself on, which he actually does once he reaches point “B” with a boastful “YAY!”

Thanks for letting me vent, y’all. As I said, it’s been quite a week. Hopefully, things will only look up from here. Hopefully, less laundry will be done at my house next week. Hopefully, new bed sheets will arrive well before they are ever needed. And hopefully, too, I can savor these moments as my son transitions to a full-time walker, leaving a piece of his infancy behind, and embracing toddlerhood more fully. *sigh*

P.S.  Did I mention I burned my finger the other day too?  Right on the pad of my finger.  Nice.

Keep on saving!  :o)

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Wordless Wednesday – Four Year Check-Up

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My first born turned FOUR on Friday, which was followed by her check-up. She not only did fine, but worked her usual charm on the nurses and doctors.

Throughout the appointment, I kept hearing Doc McStuffins sing “time for your check-up.” 🙂

Happy (not so) Wordless Wednesday, y’all!

Wordless Wednesday 3-27-13

Wordless Wednesday 3-27-13

Keep on saving!  :o)

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Molten lava cake (from a box mix!)

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We’ve all been to restaurants that offer those delicious looking molten lava chocolate cakes on the dessert menu. They look amazing, but frankly I am a little too cheap to order dessert out after having dinner. When I saw this mix on clearance at Aldi, I immediately grabbed it because I knew my family would really enjoy it.

Molten Lava cake from a box

I expected to find some sort of chocolate truffle balls in the mix that go in the middle of the cakes, so I was surprised when we open it up and found nothing but a bag of cake mix. At that point, I was a little skeptical of how exactly they were going to turn out. But we all love chocolate, so we dug right in anyway, lol!

(By the way, I’m not listing ingredients and measurements because this is a box mix, and each one is different.  I don’t want to give you directions that are different from the ones on the box you may purchase.)

Molten Lava Cake - From a box!

This was one of the simplest mixes I have ever seen.  It only required eggs and butter, and of course the bag mix.  Instead of using ramekins, we used the muffin tin we had.  The recipe called for us to oil the tin first, but I chose to use Cake Release that I had on hand.  If you haven’t ever used Cake Release, it is AMAZING!  You can literally just dump the cake right out of the pan after baking.  Be sure to use it liberally, or your cake will stick. It has the consistency of a soft butter, not quite as thin as oil.  You should be able to find it at any grocery store or specialty baking shop for under $3.00.

Cake Release - It's like magic!

The directions are pretty easy.  Whisk the eggs, melt the butter, and slowly mix the two together.  Then add in the bag mix and stir until mixed completely (don’t beat).  Then pour into the greased pan and pop it in the oven.  That’s it!

Molten Lava Cake - From a box!

The key to making these molten lava mini cakes is to cook them until the tops are just barely done.  The middle ends up being soft and runny, but the heat is enough to cook the eggs inside, so don’t worry about that.

Flip the cakes out of the pan and serve them upside down.  I dusted these with powdered sugar to add a nice touch at the end.  When you cut into the cake with a fork, you can see the yummy chocolaty center.

Molten Lava Cake - From a box!

Doesn’t it look divine?  I was so impressed that this bit of deliciousness came from a box mix, and only took a few minutes to throw together.  And the best part of making these cakes?  Licking the bowl, of course! 🙂

The best part of making cake ;)

Have you ever made a molten lava cake from a box mix?  What’s your favorite cake to make from a box?

Keep on saving!  :o)

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Take a Load Off Your Laundry – Practical Tips to Beat the Laundry Blahs

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Tips for beating the laundry blahs


Take a load off your laundry?  I’ll be the first to say it: I loath laundry!  Perhaps because it’s one of those household tasks that literally never ends, or because stubborn stains just seem to laugh at you time after time, or perhaps it’s the snarky sock monster — for whatever reason, I know I’m not alone in my feelings about this.  Am I right?

In any case, I’ve developed a few strategies to help ease the pain of this never-ending saga known as laundry.  Take a look, and see which ones work for you, or what more you would add to this.

* Schedule it: I do one load of laundry every weekday.  (An awesome tip I picked up from The Stressed Mom!)  I’ve found that by sticking to a schedule, and doing just one load a day, it’s MUCH more manageable for me.  I bring that load down either first thing in the morning or after I put the kids to bed the night before; throw the clothes in the dryer in the morning; then fold while the kids nap – or whenever I get a moment.  This also allows for a little wiggle room, like if I fall behind, it’s not dreadful to catch up, doing two loads a day, or simply moving each load back a day, and doing one load over the weekend.  Here’s my schedule, if you need some inspiration: Monday – whites; Tuesday – darks; Wednesday – alternate between bed sheets and hub’s dress shirts; Thursday – towels (includes all bibs, washcloths, hand towels, etc); Friday – kids clothes

Vinegar! If you haven’t unleashed the awesomeness that is vinegar, the laundry is a great place to start.  Since I only use a little bit of laundry detergent, I fill the rest of my cup with vinegar.   This acts as both a fabric softener, and helps to brighten clothes.  As a bonus, it costs only a buck or two for a gallon size, compared to the much smaller containers of liquid fabric softener.

Make it Smell Good.  Yeah, this may seem silly, but indulge in products like Downy Unstopables or Purex Crystals for select loads of laundry, and your senses will thank you!  I use them on bed sheets, towels, and my husband’s dress shirts.  (I also stick some in mismatched baby socks, and toss them under the trash bags in our diaper pail and kitchen trash.  This makes a BIG difference!)  An added benefit is the rather long-lasting scent that’ll stick with you (er, your clothes) for WEEKS!

* Designate a “Soaking” Area. I’m fortunate to have a sink in my laundry room; but I don’t like taking up the sink for the sake of soaking one (or even a few) pieces of clothes in the process, nor using the washing machine either.  SO, I use a small bucket or tub (the ones we brought home with us from the hospital) to soak a few items.  I use a paint stick to stir or agitate when needed.  This would be easy to do in a smaller laundry area, as well.  (P.S.  WHY don’t I soak in the machine?  Because sometimes I let items soak overnight, and want to keep the machine available.  Also, it typically takes less water to soak this way.)

That’s a few of my favorite laundry tips.  Do you have others you’d like to share?  Please comment below with some of your favorite tips OR questions about laundry.

Keep on saving!  :o)

–Barbara [Read more…]
Keep on saving!  :o)

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