Chipotle Tofu Burritos

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Chipotle Tofu BurritosYou may recall, my family and I gave up meat for Lent this year, so I’ve been on the hunt for creative ways to keep dinner lively.  I can’t really say how I came up with the idea for chipotle tofu burritos, other than just to throw together some common ingredients and enjoy.  ….and that’s basically what I did, y’all.

Ok, so it really started out when I bought chipotle-flavored tofu because it was BOGO at Publix and because there was a Berry Cart deal for $1 rebate on it.  …and I built a mealtess dinner around that one sale item, based entirely on what I already had in my pantry and fridge.

To my delight, every one of my family members ate their dinner, even my picky kiddos.  Ok, so the boy choked his down, but he *did* eat it.  It may or may not have required a little come-to-Jesus convincing, but once he tried it, he decided they “weren’t bad.”  sigh


Chipotle Tofu Burritos

(1) package Nasoya baked tofu, chipotle flavor – sliced in to small cubes

(1) package frozen corn, prepare as directed on package

(1) can black beans

(1) package Mexican rice, prepare as directed

shredded cheese, to taste

tortillas (we used Flatout tortillas)

There are no concrete directions, beyond preparing each ingredient as directed.  Scoop on as much of each to your liking, roll up, and enjoy.  The best part about these chipotle-flavored tofu burritos is you can customize to your taste, and you can add or replace ingredients.  My husband and I added spinach to our burritos.  Lettuce is also good.  Like hot sauce?  Go for it.  The second time I made these, I added a dollop of sour cream, as pictured above.  So, go.  Prepare.  Eat.  And most importantly, enjoy!


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To the Mom Whose Kid Hit Me with a Coloring Book at Church Today

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mom of children with special needsPart of our family routine includes attending Saturday evening Mass, and this weekend was no exception.  We drove separately, since my husband was going to take our daughter to a dance performance, while I took our son back home.  I came in about 15 minutes late with our son, as he was in the midst of a Prednisone-induced fit when it was time to go.  Sigh.

We were all sitting in the back pew, doing our usual Mass thing, and I observed the family in the pew ahead of me – namely because there was a little girl with redhair sitting with them.  I noticed their mom, and likely her parents, with three school-age-ish kids.  The mom and the grandfather sat between the son, while the girls were sitting betwixt the grandparents.

I quickly, quietly noticed the son likely had mild special needs.  I also noticed quickly how stressed the mother seemed.  It broke my heart to watch her out of the corner of my eye: I could sense the anxiety she felt.  She was nervous her son may act out, or simply act outside the norms of what’s expected during Mass, and perhaps “bother” parishioners around them. [Read more…]

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Advice for My 6-year-old Daughter, For the Teen Years and Beyond

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For some reason, today I felt just a little extra whimsical while watching my daughter.  Like many mothers, I’m sure, I catch glimpses of her older self throughout the course of the day, and today -for a fleeting split second- I saw my little girl all grown up.  I’ve already shared my wishlist for her, but here is my collective little nuggets of advice for my daughter.

Advice for My 6-year-old DaughterAdvice for My 6-year-old Daughter,
for the Teen Years and Beyond


Don’t be a mean girl.  Ever.  But don’t be mean back to the mean girls – how else will they learn kindness if it’s not extended to them?

Love yourself, on the inside and the outside.  Treat your body with respect now, and it will thank you in kind as you get older.  Learn now how to take care of your whole self.

Be kind but firm. [Read more…]

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My Wish List for My Daughter

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 I came across this post, from an old blog I created about and for my daughter.  Unlike my actual daughter, this blog’s been neglected for about three years, but I wanted to breathe new life in to this post, as I still feel it’s relevant to her -and to daughters and children everywhere.  What’s on YOUR wish list for your children?
 My Wish List for My Daughter

My Wish List for My Daughter

October 2, 2010

My Dear Carol,
As your mother, I wish for you many things in this life.  Above all, I pray daily that you live an exceptionally long, happy, healthy, meaningful, and purposeful life.  I wish this for you, and any siblings you may have.  I hope to help make those things attainable for you, with these things I wish for you:
[Read more…]
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Saying Goodbye to Kindergarten

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Saying Goodbye to Kindergarten

It seems like it was just last week I walked my little girl in to Kindergarten.  And yet now, in a blink of an eye, she  was saying goodbye to Kindergarten.  While I knew she was more than ready to start Kindergarten, I still knew this year would be filled with many “new”s: she started a new school, venturing away from the preschool where she was already well-known; which also means she made new friends, whom she embraced with her big heart and they she; new teachers, all of whom she seems to like, her classroom teacher the most!

In the last nine months, she’s become an even stronger reader, mastering even more sight words, gained more confidence as a reader, began to experiment with spelling, finished writing her own book, began formerly learning Spanish, learned how to skip count by 2s, 5s, and 10s, learned how to add numbers in her head, almost mastered shoe tying (gonna keep that on our summer checklist!), and grew by leaps and bounds in ways I never imagined!

I’m not sure what it is about Kindergarten in our present culture that invokes such sentimentality, but I will gladly testify to its strength.  We weep when our babies start Kindergarten, whether they do so as the king of the hill in a preschool setting, or as the littlest guys in an elementary school setting.  We weep because Kindergarten signifies that our little babies are no longer our little babies, and that, with each step they take towards their school, they take a further step away from our safe and comfortable arms, away from our safe world where we can control and protect them.  They take a step further towards leaving the proverbial nest.

Saying Goodbye to Kindergarten

My little girl can now be considered what she calls a “grader”.  Wow.  How on earth do I have a first grader on my hands?!  That I’m not sure, but I do know that, as I watch my little girl grow up -a girl with a heart bigger than any ocean- I’ll mourn the loss of each previous stage, watching small slivers of her childhood slip away, while also celebrating the little person she is becoming.  And she is quite a cool little person.

So, here’s to a wonderful year in Kindergarten, to all the excitement this summer may hold, and to the wonders that await us next year in first grade.

Saying Goodbye to Kindergarten

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A Message from My Daughter

Kindergarten Readiness

Kindergarten Readiness

Starting Kindergarten

Starting Kindergarten

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Painting with a Twist

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Painting-with-a-Twist_Buckhead-bannerThis is a sponsored post written on behalf of Painting with a Twist in Buckhead.  I’ve received a form of compensation in exchange for promotion; however, all opinions and bad puns are completely my own.

As a mother, I think it’s important to find ways to do “grown-up” things with other grown-ups, without a hint of kids around.  Ok, fine, sometimes I consider a trip to the grocery store good escape…  But now Buckhead has another great place for you to escape: Painting with a Twist.  Here, you can paint on a canvas, enjoy good music, wine or beer, and create unique, personal masterpieces they can take to their homes or gift to others. The artwork ranges from landscapes, abstracts and cityscapes, to creative renderings of animals, iconic buildings and florals. [Read more…]

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Hey! Your Disney Side Is Showing!

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Recently, I was blessed with a great opportunity to host my very first Disney Side Party, courtesy of Mom Select.  For a variety of reasons, we kept it small.  Actually, with the threat of “winter weather” heading towards Atlanta, the party almost didn’t happen – but thankfully, the “winter weather” held out until we were done showing our Disney Side.  😉  The party girls consisted of girls ages 4-6, as well as my 3-year-old son.

We started off by decorating our princess party bags as our guests arrived.  The bags would later be filled with party goodies.  The girls (and my son) enjoyed using our Disney stamps, stickers, crayons and markers to make their bags uniquely their own.


Then, we headed in to the den and played a few Disney-themed games.  Although there were “winners” with some games, no one seemed to be keeping track, and they all just had fun.  Here’s what we did: [Read more…]

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My Bucket List

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My Bucket List

So I created this bucket list back in 2010. I’ve been able to check off a few things on the list, which feels nice. Some items are goofy, and literally involve time travel – so until the good ol’ Doc brings me my own DeLorean, I’ll have to just consider those things wishful thinking. But the realistic items, I’d love to accomplish in some capacity.

My Bucket List

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Surviving Snow Mountain, Southern Style

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So I completely get that there are quite a few “transplants” in the Atlanta area who have plenty of experience with snow.  Heaven help us, we all learned last year just how poorly Atlanta as a whole deals with snow, so how on earth can Atlantans enjoy the local phenomenon known as Snow Mountain?  It’s simple, we slap on our rain boots, and enjoy the cold snow, Southern Style.  😉

I was recently invited out to Stone Mountain’s Snow Mountain with my family to enjoy the tubes, the snow, and the atmosphere.  If you’ve never been, make sure you go NOW, as it’s only here through Sunday March 1!  Littles can enjoy The SnowZone (perhaps a child’s first expereince with -ahem- building a snow man), and enjoy the adventures of the Little Angels, complete with SnoBoggans – bigger kids will LOVE Avalanche Alley and Tube Runners. The whole family can indulge in snacks and treats at the SnoDeck, and then enjoy S’mores at Snow Fire Point while watching the sun go down.

Surviving Snow Mountain collage

Make sure to book your times in advance, as you get two hours to do the tubing.  Also, check for discount tickets if you’re a Gas South customer.  Check with ticket information for further details.

It was a wonderful experience, but honest-to-goodness, I just wasn’t sure how this Southern girl was going to get her two littles ready for the snow.  Thankfully, my mom got the kids snow suits for Christmas, so they had a basic outfit, at least.  I will share a few tips:

Surviving Snow Mountain: Southern Style

[Read more…]

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Signs of Kindergarten Readiness

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Kindergarten Readiness

My daughter starts Kindergarten in less than a month.  While I am not ready to let my baby enter the big world of Kindergarten, I am confident I have paved the way for this milestone, and am certain she is ready.  …but what exactly does “kindergarten readiness” look like, really??

Whether you’re sending your first or fifth child into kindergarten, it’s never an easy time. You have a lot of pressure on your shoulders to make sure your child knows certain concepts before you send them off. There are some things you can start doing now to prep your child for Kindergarten in the fall.

Signs of Kindergarten Readiness

  1.  Letter Sounds – Every child entering kindergarten should have practice with their letter sounds. You’ll want to start teaching them their letter sounds by making sure they know the alphabet first. Knowing the alphabet plus their letter sounds is one way a kindergartner starts the reading process. You can help your child learn their letter sounds by repeating them on a daily basis, using flash cards, hands on activities, and even playing educational computer games.  I started each of my kids with a simple ABC puzzle, and as they placed the letters in the puzzle, I would help them identify the letter, and it’s sound.  “Oh, ‘t’ says /t/ like ‘turtle’.”
  2. Reading & Writing – Kindergarten is all about learning to read and write. There are so many activities your child will do in kindergarten to help them learn these skills. However, there are also several things you can do as a parent to help prep your child for learning these skills. The number one thing you can do is always read to your child at every chance you get. Secondly, let them explore with writing. Their words might not always make sense, but they will increase their knowledge of writing as well as get their writing form down.  My daughter loves writing messages right now, and I interfere as little as possible with spelling.  We go through each sound and she writes out her words sound-by-sound.
  3. Independence – If there’s one thing your child needs to learn for kindergarten it is about independence and self sufficiency. While it may be common for you to help them with things now, it’s important that you let them learn how to do things on their own. To help make your child a little more independent, let him or her do small things on their own. You get to decide what the independence factor is as it’s your child, but it is time to loosen the reigns just a little bit.
  4. Relationship Building – For one of the first times in your life, you will be sending your child off to make his or her own relationships. Your kindergartner will form a bond with their teacher and classmates. You can prep your student for this by allowing them to be in situations where they can make friends on their own. You won’t always be there to help them make friends, so it’s important to let them learn to create this bond on their own.

These four tips will help your child learn a few basics before heading off to kindergarten. Just remember that it’s not just about the academics, but the social and emotional growth as well. What tips would you add to this list?


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