Trying to Make Sense of a Terrible Tragedy

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My daughter is fond of waving her finger like a magic wand, and exclaiming “bippity-boppity-boo” to make the bad guys go away, to heal a hurt, to rid her room of monsters, or, essentially, to right any wrongs she perceives in her life.

I wish today I had a magic wand to wave over the nation.  

To erase the senseless tragedy that took away so many innocent loved ones, that took away the everyday moments in these families’ lives, that took away the fleeting sense of security we collectively felt in dropping our kids off at school.  Alas, that is mere fantasy.  What happened today was very real.  All too real for parents around the nation, as we are lucky enough to administer extra doses of hugs and kisses to our precious children, while dozens of parents tonight simply grieve.

Prayers for the children & staff at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut.
This image is circulating on Facebook.
I don’t know who to credit, as I don’t know where/from whom they originated.

I wish I could wave a magic wand and make a clear, simple solution appear, to prevent this from ever happening again.

However, the solution(s) involved are much more complex, and none of them perfect, nor without sacrifice.  Do we spend billions of dollars to retrofit our schools to take much more drastic security measures?  Do we delve further in to the debate of gun control, in the slim hopes that these deadly devices won’t find their way in to the wrong hands again?  Do we invest serious thought, money, resources, and exploration in to providing better mental health services to all in need?

Prayers for Sandy Hook Elementary
This image is circulating on Facebook.  
I don’t know who to credit, as I don’t know where/from whom they originated.

I don’t have the answers.  Lord, I wish I did, and I wish they could be as simple as “bippity-boppity-boo”, but the sad reality is, there are no real answers here.  Not now at least.  Perhaps tomorrow, or a week, or even a month from now, when time slowly starts to heal and the grief is just a wee bit less, we can begin to explore the answers, the solutions.

For now, for tonight, I continue to lift up in prayer the victims in Connecticut, the friends and family, the community, the nation as we continue to watch this mess unfold.  

Go hug your kids a few more times today.  And, as I learned very early on, always say “I love you” to your loved ones.  You never know when it may be the last time.

Good night, and God bless.

Hold Your Children Tight

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