8 Tips to Naturally Treat Eczema (and Prevent it!)

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naturally treat eczema

When my son was about six months old, he developed a rashy-looking patch of skin on his belly.  When I took him in to the pediatrician, she misdiagnosed him with ring worm.  Ring.  Worm.  Shudder.  Long story short, we don’t go to that doctor anymore, and have since gotten the correct diagnosis: eczema.  My son develops small patches of dry skin, typically on the back of his knees, near his elbows, and other areas on his body.

Thankfully, his has been a mild case these last few years, but I think that’s greatly in part to taking preventative measures.  There’s a whole arsenal of ways to treat and prevent eczema, but some suggestions just seem a little …extreme.  For instance, our pediatrician once mentioned that its feasible to treat a flare up with a bleach bath.  She walked me through the specifics, and assured me of the science behind this idea (and also stated she didn’t think it was ever something she personally could do for her child), but ….the idea of giving my toddler son a bleach bath just didn’t sound appealing.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to treat and prevent eczema using natural methods.

8 Tips to Naturally Treat Eczema

While the exact cause of eczema in each person is a little different, studies show that stress, genetics, and even food allergens are the main culprits. Anything from gluten, eggs, soy, peanuts, to citrus and even cow’s milk can cause eczema to flare up if you’re even slightly allergic. Let’s get to the root of the issue instead of just relieving it temporarily.

1. Avoid using detergents or fabric softeners, unless they’re free of all dyes and fragrances. You can even make your own detergent, just to be safe. Use the rinse cycle twice to get rid of extra residue left behind from detergents.

2. Cook with coconut oil. Coconut milk contains lauric acid, which our bodies convert into monolaurin. Monolaurin is a compound that helps fight viruses, bacteria, and fungus. Coconut oil also moisturizes the skin, which can be helpful when dealing with eczema.

If you find that moisturizing doesn’t help, try this healthy skin sea spray.

3. Avoid fast food. Besides obvious reasons (like fast food just not being good for our bodies, and it being expensive), when you have eczema it’s important to maintain healthy immune and digestive systems. This means eating healthy foods, at least most of the time.

4. Get allergy tested. Many allergens in the air, such as dust and pollen, can increase eczema flare ups as well as asthma problems. Many folks that have eczema also have asthma.

5. Skip the topicals. While topical treatments provide immediate short-lasting relief, don’t use them in place of getting to the root of the issue. If you’re going to use something topically, try avocado or aloe vera. Mix into a paste and leave it on the skin for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

With eczema, you should look from the inside out. Like I mentioned above, the immune system and the digestive system are both important players in this game. Keep an eye on what you’re eating (or what you’re feeding the kiddos), and even keep a food log to show the doctor. This can help tremendously, and it will also save a lot of time when it comes to figuring out the cause of your eczema.

6. Take a probiotic. Dairy-free is best, especially if you have any type of dairy allergy. Probiotics help build up healthy bacteria in your gut, which can help improve eczema symptoms.

7. Avoid caffeine. Drink water, green smoothies, and (fresh-squeezed) juices instead.

8. Bathe sparingly. I don’t mean that you should go around smelling awful, but taking a bath or shower every day isn’t usually necessary. Keep baths lukewarm and short, to prevent drying of the skin.

These tips are not for instant relief, they’re for long-lasting relief because you’ll get to the root of your eczema issues instead of just covering them up for a bit. Many factors contribute to eczema flare ups, so don’t give up if you can’t find the cause right away.

So, do you have any favorite tips to naturally treat eczema?  Please comment below with any additional tips, or suggestions you might have for naturally treatment or prevention of eczema.

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New Year, New You – The Real Cost of Fitness

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New Year, New You - The Cost of Fitness

I am delighted to have a friend guest post today to talk about fitness.  Mindy Hadar is a personal trainer and health coach, and she’s here to dish about the real cost of fitness …..or the cost of NOT being fit.  🙂

When is the last time you went to the doctor? Did you leave thinking, “Oh, I just love it here, I don’t want to leave! I cannot wait to come back!” My guess is … No.  You might have been thinking, “I hope they bill my insurance correctly.”  Or Hmm, “I didn’t know my co-pay went up” Or ” I am so glad I only have to do THAT once a year!”… You get my point.

We all want to be healthy and strong and want the same for our beautiful babes! That being said, Did you know that MOST  illness can be avoided by being with in a healthy weight? Did you know : heart bypass costs an average of $117,094and heart valve replacement cost an average of $164,238? [Read more…]

Keep on saving!  :o)

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Sauteed Greens w/Corn & Mushrooms

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Sauteed Greens recipe

It may be pretty clear by now I love cooking with spinach, but almost a year ago, I discovered Kroger’s “power greens” mix of spinach, chard, kale, and mizuna.  It’s a great way to mix it up and still pack a powerful, nutritious punch.  And, well, you may recall I’m trying to clean up my act in the kitchen a bit.

So back in the spring, I saw this recipe on the inside of the Simple truth Organic power greens container, and have been wanting to try it -obviously- for a while now.  Recently I had the chance, and was amazed by its versatility.  More on that later.  First, the recipe – I made a few variations of my own, because, well that’s how I roll.

Sauteed Greens with Corn & Mushrooms

You’ll need:

  • 2 1/2 tbsp olive oil (“EVOO” if possible)
  • 1 1/2 tsp garlic, finely minced  (I used extra, like 3-4 cloves)
  • 2 1/2 c fresh mushrooms (I minced mine, the original recipe calls for 1/4″ thick slices)
  • 2 1/2 c vegetable broth
  • 1 1/4 c corn kernels (I use frozen, but leave it out at room temperature when I begin gathering ingredients)
  • 5 oz  power greens mix (I prefer finely chopped)
  • salt and pepper to taste

[Read more…]

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Stick Figures, Hair Clips, & a Message From My Daughter

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The other day, I took my daughter to the gym with me.  Not for any super-compelling reason, other than convenience and lack of child care. My daughter is five, going on fifteen, and isn’t interested in playing with the “little guys” in the kids zone, where her 2-year-old brother goes.  So, got the green light from my instructor ahead of time to let her come with me to one particular class I take, Les Mills Body Combat.

What happened in the 48 hours during and then following that class, and the lessons *I* would learn continue to surprise me, even as I type this out.

I prepared her for the class, letting her know that it would be similar to the gym class she got to try out at UFC Perimeter Gym, but with grown ups.  I assured her she was welcome to join in with us, and that it was ok if she didn’t know all the moves.  None of us did, really.  But I also comforted her with the iPad (don’t judge me!), a pad of paper, and her markers.  On the drive over there, I tried pumping her up, getting her excited about doing “mommy’s class”, without trying to push her too far.  She seemed on board.

However, once we got in the room, and other people started coming in, her shyness kicked in, and she only wanted to set up camp and draw and play on the iPad.  Fine.  Mommy needed to workout, so I went about my ways, while keeping an eye on her.  She occasionally came over to me, to ask random questions, really just needing reassurance that I hadn’t forgotten she was there, and giving her attention.  I came over to her in between each track, grabbing a sip of water, planting a kiss on her sweet little noggin, and showing interest in whatever she was working on at the moment.  I continued to lightly encourage her to get up and try the moves, if she wanted.

Long story short, she hopped up a handful of times to try to participate.  The moves were complicated, and intimidating at any age.  But she tried.  She ran a lap with us, and the instructor gave her a high-five as she passed, just as she did for everyone else in the class.  She ran in place, holding my hand.  She attempted to do lunges and other complex leg moves.  My heart grew full watching her.

She was doing what her mommy was doing.  She was imitating me.  I was her role model.

During and then after class, she showed me two pictures she drew.  Both were stick figures of me kicking and punching, like I did in class.


She was watching me, her mother, work hard.  She was watching me, her mother, keep going, even if I wasn’t perfect.  She was watching me, her mother, do something to improve my health and fitness.  She was watching me, her mother, and taking notes.  She was watching me, her mother.  Period.

The following evening, which happened to be July 4th, I gave the kids a bath, put them in their PJs, and we whisked them out to see the local fireworks.  They’re kids, and they need to make memories.  After she got her PJs on, she insisted on taking out my hair clip and using it in hers.  I instead offered her a smaller one that would fit better in her hair.


She wanted her hair clipped up in the same manner I had been doing this summer.

She was watching me, her mother.  Again.

After securing her hair in a smaller clip, she held her head up, chest out proud and said “now we’re twins, mommy.  HAIR TWINS!”

That’s when the emotions began to overwhelm me.  I am my daughter’s role model.  I am my daughter’s example of what a mother is, what a woman is, what a girl is.

I.  Am.  Her.  Example.

I honestly just assumed, since she is such a daddy’s girl, and seemingly only has eyes for her sweet daddy, that she wasn’t really paying much attention to me.  That she was more apt to imitate him, not me.  Boy was I wrong – this couldn’t be further from the truth.  I’m getting a message from my daughter, loud and clear: daddy may be her prince and hero and ideal of a perfect man in her eyes, as he should be.  But, just as I viewed my own mother through childhood’s eyes, I am her image of beautiful.  I am her image of all-knowing.  (Yes, she’s told me she thought mommies are supposed to know everything about everything.)  I am her image of perfection, period.  She doesn’t see my flaws as flaws, but just part of my perfect-in-her-eyes package.


It is up to me to show her what’s important.  Our mantra for several months now has been “pretty isn’t important“.  But those words mean nothing if my actions and my example don’t mesh with that mantra.  I have this amazing, bring-me-to-my-knees humbling privilege of teaching this smart little girl to love herself, to love herself enough to take care of herself.

It’s my job to BE the good example.  To live my life in an exemplary manner.  My words need to match my manners.  So while I serve my children milk and water, while I sip on (WAAAAY) too much soda or sweet tea, she is seeing my actions.  Although she’s not interested in drinking either, she’s taken a sip here and there, almost as if she wants to like them, because she sees her mother drinking them.  Or worse, when I serve my children a balanced dinner, yet sit down with nothing in front of me -or with some quick crap I grabbed from the freezer- she is watching me.

By the same token, she also sees me with a stack full of books at my bedside table.  She sees me reading frequently, and sees the spark in my eyes when I do so.  She sees me get up in the morning, and put on my workout clothes.  She sees me scrutinize and compare at the grocery store, coupons in hand.  She sees my husband and I discuss our meals if we go out, searching for good coupons or Scoutmob deals.  She sees her parents say prayers before meals, attend Mass every week, and putting our strength and trust in God.

My daughter needs to see me mess up, and watch how I keep trying, how I don’t just quit.  My daughter needs to see me defend myself, and not get pushed down and cower in times of adversity.  My daughter needs to see me handle adversity with strength and grace, with poise and self-assurance – even if I’m secretly cowering in my proverbial boots.

She has asked already if she can come to class with me again.  I will make certain she can do so at least a few more times before school starts back.  I will hold my head up high, knowing my example during class is shaping a little girls’ mind, a little girl’s schema for persistence, hard work, and self-confidence.  And perhaps I will even set us up with matching hair clips.

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Starting Kindergarten

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Spinach pancakes {Picky Tot Pleasers}

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This post originally appeared as a guest post on another site about two years ago, but that site is no longer around. :/ SO, I’m re-claiming it and adding it to my Picky-Tot Pleasers series.  Lemme know what’cha think!

Spinach pancakes


Call me Popeye.  What can I say?  I love to cook with spinach.  Up until recently, it’s been in just about any dish I made with chicken or ground turkey.  However, I crossed the line the other morning when I (deliberately) baked spinach in to my pancakes.  That’s right, my daughter and I made spinach pancakes.  On purpose. [Read more…]

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Vitamix Applesauce with a Twist

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Vitamix Applesauce

So I’m really loving my Vitamix these days.  Juicing for breakfast, and sharing with my son.  (Say goodbye to his multivitamin!)  Warm Vitamix Chicken Tortilla soup on a cool evening.  And now, Vitamix Applesauce, with a twist.

As you may recall, my goofy kids enjoy applesauce and frozen peas.  I don’t know why, they just do.  I’m not complaining, since they don’t normally volunteer to eat anything green.  So, when I set out to make Vitamix appleasauce, I was determined to fuse other healthy foods in to the mix as well.

Here’s what I did:

I found a bunch of pre-sliced apples on clearance at Kroger, so that’s what I used.  You can use whatever kind of apples you have on hand, but I recommend you stick with the sweeter, rather than tart apples.  Also, I use all organic ingredients whenever possible.

First I made  a batch that was JUST apples, lemon juice, and cinnamon.  I used too much cinnamon, and my daughter was not a fan.  So I made another batch, using other ingredients to blend with the cinnamon-y batch, to tone it down.

Vitamix Applesauce and the cinnamon debacle

Remember my meatball debacle from a while back? Yeah, ^^^ this brings back fond memories.

Vitamix Applesauce with a Twist

You’ll need:

  • 2-3 sweet apples
  • a splash of lemon juice
  • a small handful of baby carrots (I have small hands, sooo, I’d approximate about 1/2 cup.)
  • ~ 2/3 c frozen strawberries
  • 1 spoonful of sugar or sweetener (optional)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon

Blend all ingredients, starting with slowest speed, working your way up.  If you have a tamper*, use it to help push ingredients down.   If mixture seems too chunky or not “smooth” enough, add small doses of water, as needed.  I believe I ended up adding about 1/4 c water all together.  Blend to desire smoothness and enjoy!Vitamix applesauce with a twist!

One thing I want to try with my next batch is to freeze it in small containers, or fill an ice cube tray and freeze that way – then I’ll have applesauce handy, and can toss in kids’ lunch bag in the morning, and it’ll thaw by lunch time.  Also, I’m going to try adding a bit of spinach with this recipe.  I’d also like to try a batch with dates, or other nuts, as inspired by The Blender LadyWhat other ingredients would YOU add to Vitamix applesauce?

* I don’t have a tamper so I had to improvise.  (What can I say?  When you get a $9 Vitamix, you don’t always get all the cool accessories!)  When ingredients looked “stuck”, I’d turn off and open the top and push down with long plastic spoon.  Yeah, a tamper would be SOO much easier!

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Vitamix for $299!

Vitamix for $299

Vitamix Chicken Tortilla Soup

Vitamix Chicken Tortilla Soup Recipe

Peas and Sauce


Sweet Bananas & Honey

bananas and honey

Keep on saving!  :o)

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UFC Gym Perimeter – Kids Kick Some Butt! + Giveaway

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This is a sponsored post with Mums the Word Network and UFC Gym Perimeter. All opinions, however, are completely my own.

UFC Gym Perimeter logo

Today, my daughter Carol and I worked together to kick some butt.  Well, sorta.  We were invited to attend a special session at UFC Gym Perimeter, to try out their new kids program.  She was elated by the experience.  Not only did we get to peruse through the equipment before class began, but she also got to test out a pair of boxing gloves and a super-cool tech-y punching bag.

At UFC Gym, boys and girls learn self-defense, self-confidence and discipline while having fun in a safe and entertaining group class format. It’s also a great way for them to burn energy and have fun!  Taught by a staff of rockstar, attentive professionals, UFC Gym Perimeter kids classes help your little one learn self-confidence, coordination, discipline and self-defense.  Plus, it’s fun!UFC Gym Perimeter Kids Class

The class began with the kids warming up  for 15 minutes, using fun stretching and cardio races to hold the interest of the wide age range of the kids attending.  The highlight for Carol, of course, was the whole class getting in to “The Cage” for more fun and games (and excerise, but don’t tell her that part!), including planks, squats, and fun-and-friendly boxing moves.  The class concluded with a cool down stretch and a game.  Seriously, Carol. had. a. blast.  In the week since, every time we drive in that direction, she asks if we’re going to “the fun gym” so she can “play games again”. [Read more…]

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Vitamix for $299 + FREE Shipping

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Vitamix for $299

So you may already know the awesomeness that *is* Vitamix, right? You may also know they cost a pretty penny, but are absolutely worth it in the long run. Well, right now, thorugh Groupon Goods, you can get a Vitamix Variable Speed Certified Reconditioned Blender for just $299 (33% savings).  That’s right, a Vitamix for $299!  (I know, I know, it’s not nine bucks at Goodwill, but ….)

Here’s what you get:

  • Blender base
  • Blender container and lid
  • Tamper
  • Getting Started Plus cookbook and guide

Thanks to its powerful commercial-grade motor, there’s little this Vitamix blender can’t do: it can cream, chop, blend, grind, and churn almost any food it encounters into a smoothie, sorbet, sauce, or soup. (Vitamix Chicken Tortilla Soup, anyone?)  The stainless steel blades make quick work of the task at hand, while the spill-proof lid helps to keep messes at bay. Once done blending, the Vitamix is easily cleaned by running on high with a little dish soap and warm water.

Vitamix for $299

  • Certified reconditioned Vitamix blender with 5-year warranty
  • Eleven total speeds and powerful motor create a variety of textures and process tough whole-food ingredients
  • Laser-cut stainless steel blades
  • Blend smoothies, frozen drinks, hummus, and flavored butters
  • Friction heat helps create savory soups, gravy, fondues, and syrups
  • BPA-free Eastman Tritan copolyester container
  • Container capacity: 64 fl. oz.
  • Ergonomically designed handle
  • Spill-proof vented lid
  • Self-cleans with dish soap and warm water
  • Getting-started cook book and guide
  • Model number: White- 1812; Black- 1811; Red- 1813; Cobalt Blue- 1913
  • 8.8″ x 9″ x 20.25″

Check Groupon First

And, finally, the legal mumbo jumbo: Limit 3 per person, may buy 2 more as gifts. Free returns. Does not ship to AK/HI/Canada/Puerto Rico. Most orders are delivered within 7 business days from the purchase date. Does not ship to PO boxes. See return policy. Must pay applicable tax and provide name and shipping address at checkout, which will be shared to facilitate shipping. Goods sold by Groupon Goods.

Once you’ve gotten your Vitamix, check out my recipe for Vitamix Chicken Tortilla Soup, and Vitamix applesauce with a twist!

Vitamix Chicken Tortilla Soup Recipe .          . Vitamix Applesauce

Keep on saving!  :o)

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Backyard Toys for Kids of All Ages

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Backyard Toys for Kids of All Ages

We all know the benefit of playing outside, for both children and adults. So why not make the most of your time, and space, with some fun ways to get moving and enjoy the fresh air. Slap on the ‘skeeter repellent and sunscreen and get out doors!

Franklin Sports Go Pro Youth Football Goal Post Set

Backyard Toys for Kids of All AgesTake your backyard football games to the next level with the Franklin Sports Future Champs Youth Football Goal Post Set. The easy-to-assemble goal post adjusts to between 4 and 6 feet tall and features a water-fill base to keep it steady. Use the included Micro Air Tech football, kicking tee, and distance markers to see who can boot the longest field goal.

Gymnic / Hop-66 26″ Hop Ball

Backyard Toys for Kids of All Ages - HopBallThis Hop Ball is the very best quality in hopping balls! Made in Italy from super strong yet soft latex-free vinyl for long lasting use and durability, this ball is a great product combining fun and exercise. Excellent for indoor use and on smooth, safe outdoor surfaces. Promotes body coordination, balance and lymph circulation while providing a fun workout. Special patented handgrip safety handle allows for the safest bouncing. Maximum sustainable weight of 300 pounds; for ages 9 years and older.

Diggin PopOut Ring Toss

Backyard Toys for Kids of All Ages - Rings

This soft and safe ring toss pops open for big fun! You can take it and play anywhere, outdoors or indoors. Play solo or with the whole family. To collapse, hold the mat at the corners and twist. Comes with six rings, PopOut target with posts and storage bag. Ages 3+.

Indoor/Outdoor Giant Inflatable Bowling Game

Backyard Toys for Kids of All Ages - Bowling

Bowl outdoors or indoors any time – BIG time – and enjoy immensely all the fun and activity of the sport of bowling without the trip to the alley. You can set up these giant inflatable pins almost anywhere and each time invent ingenious ways to throw, kick, or otherwise go about bowling them over. Ever-exciting for ages 4 and up. Size: Pins are approx. 29″ tall. Look also at our Dual-Action Foot Pump to make ball and pin inflation extra easy.

Little Tikes Gas ‘n Go Mower Toy

Backyard Toys for Kids of All Ages - MowerA lawn mower that looks like the real thing. This outdoor toy comes with everything you need to keep the yard around your playhouse looking sharp.

Multi-Color Volleyball Cage Ball, 40″ Diameter

Backyard Toys for Kids of All Ages - Volley

Perfect for large groups of children in any recreational activity. Cage balls have super tough bladders that are resistant to puncture and leakage. The bladder is covered by a heavy duty polyester cover that may be hand washed. Easily inflates with air compressor (not included). 40″ Diameter. Multi-Color Volleyball Cage Ball.

Little Tikes Get Out n’ Grill Kitchen Set

Backyard Toys for Kids of All Ages - Grill Little Tikes Role Play products inspire kids to connect with their world through dramatic, creative, and imaginary play, while promoting social interaction for everyday fun.

Boochie, A Whole New Ball Game

Backyard Toys for Kids of All Ages - Boochie

There’s a new name in indoor and outdoor games Boochie. Whether you’re hanging out in the back yard, or heading to the park or beach, we guarantee you’re going have a blast playing this game. There are so many things to love about Boochie: from the active-play element, to the unique 12-sided rolling target, to the amazing variety of throwing challenges packed inside. No two games will ever be the same. Take note that all of the wrist trackers have completely different sets of challenges so be sure to try them all. Get out and play.

Step2 Kickback Soccer Goal And Pitch Back

Backyard Toys for Kids of All Ages - Soccer GoalEnjoy a fun game of soccer and practice your pitching and catching all in one. Practice scoring goals, throwing and catching or hockey practice. Includes 1 soccer ball, 2 hockey sticks, 1 street hockey puck and 1 pitch back ball.

Little Tikes Garden Table

Backyard Toys for Kids of All Ages - Garden

Pretend gardening table for growing kids’ imaginations. 2 pots, 2 flowers, and 2 soil disks for planting. Includes real watering can and table basin with plug. Accessories can be stored inside under the purple tray. Includes tray, rake, shovel, watering can, sifter tray. Dimensions: 23L x 14W x 21H in.

While you’re at it, don’t forget to check out my fabulous resource guide on places and ideas on free and frugal ways to beat the heat around Atlanta.

Keep on saving!  :o)

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Cleaning Out My Pantry with Kroger’s Simple Truth

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The good people at Kroger recently hosted an event for local Atlanta bloggers, where we learned a heaping helping about their natural and organic products, including but not limited to, their Simple Truth line.  In exchange for attending and sharing this post, I was compensated with a SWEET goody bag, filled with ahh-mazing natural and organic goodies as well as a Kroger gift card.  All opinions, however, are mine.  Also, stay tuned for a chance to win $100 Kroger gift card!

As I’m writing this, I keep hearing Eminem singing “I”m sorry mama ….  but tonight, I’m cleaning out my closet.”  (Does that show my age????)  And although it’s done a little cheekily, there is more meaning behind that.  You see, I come from a LONG line of Southern women who love to eat and who love to feed their family.  In doing so, we don’t *always* prepare the healthiest meals.  However, as I keep peering in to my pantry, I keep getting both overwhelmed and sickened by the amount of junk I’ve allowed in to my home.

Kroger's Simple Truth Foods

Overwhelmed by “healthy buzz words”:

Overwhelming with all the talk of GMOs, organic, natural, whole grain, — and a never-ending list of words.  Some buzz words, while some having meaning behind them.  All seemingly overwhelming when you’re trudging through a pantry full of ooey-gooey goodness.  Also, overwhelming in formulating proper responses to nay-sayers who argue “well we were raised on this stuff, and we turned out just fine.”  Ok.  Maybe that’s easy: “would you let your kids eat paint chips, just because someone else did it before you??!”  We know better now, therefore we DO better now.  Right??


So, I vow to break the bad habits lead out before me, and clean out my pantry.  I’ve been taking baby steps over the last few years, but now it’s time to kick it in to overdrive.  So Kroger’s timing was absolutely perfect!

One thing I’m working on doing for myself and my family is weeding out processed foods, or simply foods that have no sustenance whatsoever, and focusing on buying more organic options (both fresh and frozen).  Aaand it’s difficult to part with treasured childhood favorites!  (Remember: long line of Southern women!)  Additionally, bulking up classics with fruits and veggies wherever I can.

Back to Kroger.  They make this super-simple with their newly-extended line of natural and organic products.  Throughout the store you will find natural and organic items, not just in the “natural foods department.”  Kroger is utilizing their exclusive brands, Simple Truth and Simple Truth Organic to help bring natural and organic foods to consumers of all walks of life.

Kroger's Simple Truth - in store products

Frugally Fresh and Fit:

And I wouldn’t be me (frugal) if I didn’t share how this will NOT break the bank.  First, I have done the comparisons.  A canister of Simple Truth organic raisins is within 10-20¢ of the same (non-organic) canister of raisins.  I’ll spend the extra 20¢ for something my son happily eats in bulk!  My point is this, prices on these items are already set at a competitive rate.  But that doesn’t mean you can’t deepen your savings:  make sure you have signed up and have current information (mailing address and email address, mainly) to your Kroger card.  It’s your main vehicle to savings.  In addition to instant savings simply by using your Kroger card when you shop, you also help to customize the coupons that are sent to you home and inbox.  And the Kroger Fuel Program?  Yeah, it rocks my socks, too!

Want to give it a whirl at Kroger?  I’ve teamed up with three other lovely ladies to offer one lucky winner a chance to win a $100 Kroger gift card.  It’s simple.  First, comment below with what natural or organic products you enjoy OR would like to try.  Then fill out the Rafflecopter form below.

Good luck, y’all!  🙂
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Keep on saving!  :o)

**Remember, y'all, this post may contain affiliate links. I receive a small amount of compensation when you purchase from my links, which I"ll totally blow on waffle fries and sweet tea, y'all!**

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